Heres a cool tutorial slash speed painting of painting realistic ..
In this video Jeremy of explains how he experimente..
Forget the magic wand tool, this tutorial will teach you how to s..
Iam going to warn you that if you’re a web developer and you watc..
Futuristic city, 3D techniques in Flash
See the tricks behing the advanced Flash animation that was used to bring this futuristic ..
Create animated eyes that blink, wink and following the mouse pointer using Flash...
Creating a 3D Tunnel Effect in Flash
Learn how to create this very cool 3D tunnel effect in Flash using some simple 2D animatio..
Create a realistic particle based firework display using Flash. This technique was once us..
Hopefully this will save you having to battle through the endless amount of Spy-ware ridden software that seems to appear every time I type the word “Free converter” into Google.
Through my travels I’ve managed to find some pretty good FREE encoders/ converters, that are also spy-ware FREE (gotta love that word FREE!)
Here’s a great converter I’ve found for converting your video into Flash Video Format or FLV files, very easy to use and you don't have to fiddle around setting up presets etc you just pick some standard settings and your away.
Formats Supported:AVI, MPEG, QUICKTIME (MOV), WMV
(that’s right online, no need to download from half death mirror servers and probably end up getting some spy-ware because you need it so desperately that you get to the point where you’ll just open anything to convert the dam file arrrrrrrghhhh!)
Sorry bad memories, ok lets relax… Heres the link:
This was the biggest life saver last week; bit of an ugly site that kind of puts you off at first, but it does the job pretty well and can convert tons of different formats all via their web server, make sure you bookmark this one!
First saw this site about a year ago and its pretty cool the way you can just drag and drop your video files into the browser and it will just upload and convert your video, good thing about this one is that it stores your video online so you can also share with friends etc.
Formats Supported: 3GP, 3GP2, AVI, DV, MPG, MPG4, NOV, MQV, WMV, ASF
Comments (2)
Posted by: Anonymous on 06/07/2007
Good links this will help me alot when ppl always ask me!, great site btw
Posted by: Gwins on 20/05/2007
Great software for fixing those annoying unknown and broken covers..
Learn the simplest way to remove bad words or swear words from a flash input field or dyna..
Heres a few ideas for those struggling to come up with professional business card designs,..
Create a realistic particle based firework display using Flash. This technique was once us..
Heres a collection of amazing photos from street artist Peter Gibson, this work is amazing..
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