Some amazing footage of how Photoshop can be used to great effect..
Some great tips for how to go about designing your website with s..
If your learning Flash this is a must know, as it will help you t..
Panoramic images the easy way with Photoshop PhotoMerge
Creating Panoramic images from your photos is easier than you think, when you know how. So..
Create animated eyes that blink, wink and following the mouse pointer using Flash...
Iris Porthole Door Animation in Flash
Very cool effect that could be used for an intro or as an enter button for any web site...
How to transform a standard photograph for use with a specific colour scheme or brand imag..
How to fix Media Center album covers
So I got my lovely media center PC setup and running, went through the strange process of adding my music to its library and after all was done I noticed that over half of my album covers had either shown up as unkown or worse, something simular to the above arrrgh!
Anyway here’s a link to s great bit of software I have found for those of you also having this problem. "Art Fixer" lets you search sites like Google images for the covers and permanently add them to the music library. You have to do it manually but at least you can choose the right covers with a decent image quality, think it took me about an hour to get the covers for my 100 or so albums.
Anyway heres the link:
It’s a big buggy, so it might crash a few times, but it works perfectly so it makes up for it good job Riesm!
Comments (1)
Posted by: Max ( on 06/07/2007
A great list of freeley available video encoding/converting software for converting AVI to..
The secret to good CSS layouts rests with the Float attribute. Using float instead of rela..
Learn how to detect keyboard input in flash for applications and game controls using a bit..
This tutorial will teach you how to create a dynamic rotating gallery within flash for sho..
Sometimes it is necessary to redirect traffic to a new webpage or a different site altoget..
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Cool, I'll use that!